Friday, October 30, 2009

Scary Time of Year


I love this time of year...crisp autumn air, the changing leaves falling, and even the frost on the trees and cars. The houses in around my area are all dressed up for halloween just around the corner. Soon, small groups of kiddos will been invading in their costumes for treats. I love doing my homework upstairs so I can watch them skipping, running, and pulling their parents along from house to house.

I also love the scary movies and shows during this time of the year. The 'movie' channel here has been playing old Vincient Price~Edgar Allen Poe shows at night. Unfortunately, I missed The Great Pumpkin since I was at class that night. I do have a copy of J.Depp in Sweeney Todd...that will work great for scary movie viewing on halloween for a study break.

Homework itself is scary enough during this time of the year. Between my three classes, I've the beginnings of one research study, one case study, two learning analyses, one policy analysis, and one group presentation. I'm doing okay and I'm trying to keep working ahead of myself. The scary part is that only doing parts or pieces or drafts at a time leaves alot of 'undone' material floating into my dreams at night and around my workspace during the day. It makes me feel quite insecure and a bit anxious at times. However, things have been going well in the exceptionality course, and I just discovered I did quite well on the history of edu bluebook! Now, if I can get all my research participants to return the survey for my study, I can get all those ducks in a row to evaluate my data I will rate things as smooth...but not quite yet.



Sr. Suzanne Fitzmaurice, OSB said...

Did you watch Sweeney Todd? Good but gruesome - I can never think of nothings gonna harm you in quite the same way

Sister Carol Jean said...

I did watch Mr. Todd. It is a bit on the red side, but shot is artistic contrast to the blue-gray-black scale Tim Burton uses for the rest of the show. Actually, I just love to hear Johnny sing!