Today, I've been substituting at the girl's middle school, and it's been quite the adventure on this St. Patrick's Day! I'm glad I had my coffee this morning...
We began the celebration with a presentation about mummies. Yup, mummies...a cardiologist from the area heart hospital shared his adventure researching heart disease in Cairo, Egypt. It was fascinating; the doctor had a 'slide show' of the team scanning the mummies in and out of their coffins! The doc and his partners were able to show that thousands of years ago even ancient Egyptians had heart calcifications. I'm not sure if the assembly was to interest the young ladies in different medical or science fields, warn them of the danger of poor diet and no exercise, or just share the interesting discovery with them. However, it was a fascinating way to start our celebration of Patrick!
The next assembly took over the 4th period of the day; one of Milwaukee's Celtic dance troops performed! The show included the brand new girls with the head of false curls and soft shoe jigs, all the various middle level performers getting in more practice, and was topped off with their competition level kiddos. The middle school girls especially appreciated the group of competition level boys...they were quite good and kept our attention with a hard shoe dance of stomps, mid-air clicks, and high kicks. The elaborate costumes were also a topic of conversation throughout the rest of the day. The older girls dresses were ornately embroidered and not just trimmed but bedecked with sequins.
Lunch? Well, traditional Irish fare it was not...Nachos and black beans & rice. A great way to top off the multicultural celebration of Saint Patrick. A good time was had by all and interesting it was. Now, I plan on stopping at Kopp's on the way home for a bit more "Irish" celebration. The flavor of the day is Bailey's Irish Cream Coffee: a vanilla cream custard is spiked with Bailey's Irish Cream, Irish whiskey, deluxe coffee, and a sprinkling of specialty coated walnuts. A wonderful way to wrap up my day.
PS...Yes, I prayed a bit too...my Benedictine Breviary has a lovely reflection on St. Patrick.
Two Favorite Irish 'Blessings'
A Prayerful Blessing
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
A Tongue-in-Cheek Blessing
May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping.
i loved that movie!
FYI...my sister is referring to the tongue-in-cheek blessing that was used in the movie "Keeping the Faith." I agree with Lisa; not only was the movie funny, but it also showed some of the struggle living out any vocation.
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