Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Car Dancin' with God


It has been a crazy couple of weeks and the mad dash to the end of school has begun. I've been very grateful for our morning and evening Liturgy of the Hours with Sister Roommate and Mass with the Monks. My nighttime Lectio and Noon Praise break at school have added some extra peace to my day. All of this prayer has been what keeps me moving forward to going home to the Monastery for the Summer.

The end of the school year has been filled with busyness. The students are already on a mental summer break; especially, the juniors which have been bouncing between classes and AP Tests. Keeping track of students isn't the only diversion; I'm also helping with the planning of our new curriculum this fall. The meetings for the curriculum planning sent me to the Archdiocesan offices, back to my co-teachers, and even the textbook publishers. However, this isn't the only planning! The accreditation committee that I serve with has been madly at work in reading the suggestions, comparing files, and seeking more information. To top it all off, I might recommend to all readers that you don't offer testy teachers more helpful 'suggestions' when they have more than enough on the their plate (oops).

All of this culminated into one tired, crabby sister climbing into her car at the end of this day. My prayerful focus had worn away throughout the day. I flipped on the radio and turned it to LOUD hoping to sing along with some grouchy music. However, there are no coincides and God keeps a watchful eye on His beloved. "Walking on Sunshine" poured out of my speakers! This song always reminds me of those days before I entered community. The anticipation filled with a hope overflowing with Love for Christ and the Community I desire to join...waiting for the letter of acceptance. I broke into song, turned the radio up a few more notches, and car-danced with God all my way home : ) Thanks God!

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