Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fish Fry Woes


The house went to the parish fish fry last night. It seemed like a good way to support the parish and also enjoy Milwaukee.

In the parish's defense, they never expected the crowd they received (event though they have held this every year for the past few). In the caterer's defense, the fish was really good.

We arrived at 5:30 and the parking lot was full! We were happy for the parish. We were even okay after we realized that the line was backed up the stairs to the doors of the parish. However, after an hour of standing in line our support was fading. They were selling soda, beer, & wine to those a little Coke settled the nerves. Finally, we approached the front of the line, and discovered the problem. There were four folk from the catering company serving the whole meal. There were two deep fryers for all the fish fillets, chicken strips, and fries (the center of the meal).

Okay...we were given our plates of fries and fish and easily found a table. Next, the sisters wanted to choose a dessert. I declined. Actually, I stated that you couldn't pay me enough to choose a dessert from a table being run by second and third grade girls...with their long hair dangling over the table, sitting by the desserts on the table, and eating the desserts as they hollered at folk to come over and take one. NO! Blech!

The people were kind and the fish was good...but the line clumped, the wait was too long, and the use of unsupervised kiddos was just not right. I thought I was the only one of our group that was trying to just enjoy the fish. Then Linda smirked, "I think a few sisters could stream line this thing." I confessed that the teacher/nun/former Turkey dinner worker in me wanted to jot down a few notes of concerns. Linda reminded me that I should make recommendations where I don't want to volunteer. So, I suggested we finish the fish and get home to play some rummikube.

Alas, the fish fry woes.

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