Sunday, November 30, 2008

Advent & Wassail

Advent began with children today. Fr. Jerry invited all the children up to the steps of the sacristy to help him explain Advent to the grownups. He compared Advent to a four week game of Hide-and-Seek. Father prompted the kids to explain the game of Hide-and-Seek: there is a counter and hiders, you have to wait really quiet, you have to watch out for the counter, the counter has to say "ready or not here I come". It was so cute to watch the kiddos shoot their hands in the air to get to answer the next question or explain their idea. All in All, I think it was a good way of looking at Advent.
Casa Ruah is hosting a Wassail party this afternoon. The party features several little tasty treats and cider spiced with oranges spiked with cloves, cinnimon, and a secret spice of Sr. Linda's. The sisters invited many of the neighbors and several aquaintences. I had invited a few classmates, but they lived too far from our side of town or had family events with the Thanksgiving weekend. I have been trying to offer my willing services in preparing for the party; however, I have been banished to the office to keep reading. So, I shall...but I wanted to share the day with you.

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