Friday, January 30, 2009



The Teaching Analysis Seminar class had a boat load of reading this week:


Study 1--45 pgs

Study 2--30 pgs

Study 3--8 pgs

Study 4--10 pgs

All of this reading was to illustrate this one lesson: Teachers become experts through expereince and a willingness to continue learning.

I believe I could have learned that lesson after the first 50 pages of reading...or maybe I had a similar idea before the reading! Ah well, I have a new book to start Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed or Teachers as Cultural Workers: Letters to Those Who Dare Teach. Both options for a book review due in the class. They are both challenging reads both in my technical understanding and my current practice; however, I think that there would also be a great deal to learn there as well.


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