Sunday, December 6, 2009

Advent Joy


This week of Advent Joy started out with the Old Testament prophet Baruch, "Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery; put on the splendor of glory from God forever: wrapped in the cloak of justice from God."

It was a beautiful morning here to reflect on throwing aside my cloak of sorrow, sin, and all that holds me back that I may follow Jesus. Fr. Jerry's homily similarly called on the people to consider what they wrap around themselves that keeps God from touching our lives or the lives of others through us.

With only ten days remaining before I fly home for Christmas, I need to focus on my studies without letting them overwhelm my anticipation to be home. There are a variety of due dates within the next week and a half. I have a completed rough draft of my study written! It has topped out at just over 40 pages! Now my professor will look through to check the newly added sections to be sure it all makes sense. The history prof is currently checking out the rough draft of his paper. And I'm finally getting the differentiated education case study presentation put into a power point. But, all is good, and I will be home soon.


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