Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Feast of the Immaculate Conception


The snow was beautiful today! It fell in large, fluffy flakes frosting all the buildings, shrubs, and grass. The evergreen trees and Christmas greenery seemed so much more cheery when flocked with snow. Small trees all over campus were speckled in little red berries...I love the university campus in the winter time.

The campus Mass was held in the Holy Family Chapel in the union building. Joan of Arc was too small for the Holy Day crowd. Father Jesuit had a wonderful homily. He explained that Mary should be our guide to Advent. She waited in hopeful expectation for nine months. If we allow her, she can lead us through our Advent of growing with Christ. Past the fear what new Call God might ask us to live; to the hope of what gifts that new Call might be in our lives. During the preparation of the gifts, the woman leading the music sang "Ave Maria, gratia plena...". It was the same Gregorian chant tone we use at home. I admit, it brought a tear or two to my eye, knowing that tonight you would be singing it too.

Oh Sisters, say a little prayer for guidance. One of my courses was cancelled due to low enrollment and now I'm trying to find another course. My advisor might turn the course into an independent study; I'm also working with another professor about some possible study/volunteer positions. I tried the theology department,
but they bumped me off to the the undergrad list that is already filled...ah well...


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